Thursday, 26 January 2012

Project Based Learning

Global Teachers

good for teachers and learners

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Story Telling Project for eleventh graders

Assalamualaikum/ Good Day,
I hope you are fine at the time you read this blog. Okay, for project this semester is about story telling. Please discuss in your group for the stories that you want to share in your story telling.
 Things to be done are as follows :
1. Find your favorite stories, share with  your groups

2. rehearse your part

3. Write down in your journal for your  weekly report. Decide your leader, secretary, editor etc

4. The presentation is held on Feb 10, 2012

5. You may facilitate your story telling with properties supporting your presentation

6. There will be peer group assessment

Tips for story telling :
Enjoy your group work....

Group Project for twelfth grades Semester 1

Hope that you feel good in this semester especially to celebrate the Ramadhan Break. Let's feel our time to read, analyze, write during the break time, This project is hopefully encouraging to know English more rather than crawling your body in your comfortable bed. So, why not start the  reading  project. you have your group already..... In a group of four, please choose an English novel for your project analysis. you can access the novel from internet or find the hard copy from library or else, the level of your novel is intermediate one of any kind - women's life, romance, children's lives, education, adventures, hero  etc. The steps you are to follow:
1. Each group is to choose one of different topics.
2. Divide job in your group: you may have  a leader, secretary editor,  etc.
3. Read your part and summarize what you have read and gather them in your power point
4.  Describe the characters in the novel you read, find the  idiomatic expressions (minimum ten phrases and  define the meaning  and the examples quoted from the novels),
5. Put all your findings and summary in  the the power point, any trailer or pictures relating to the novel discussed is encouraged. The submission will be soon discussed, and finally complete your project with the presentation.  Each in turn presents the project. question and answers are encouraged during the presentation.
6.Be sure to  write your  activities  during the completion of  the project in a Journal ,the format :
  • day/date
  • activity description
  • name of the group members : whether active or not active in the project
  • signature of the teacher
7. Since it is done during Ramadhan you may email or directly submit your   journal to the teacher every week
8. During the process of the project, you are not allowed to read the translation one and  you are supposed to present the project lively.
9. you will assess your peer by the rubric the teacher gives during presentation.

The followings are the link that you can use as the sources of inspiration for your project :

 Have fun with your project....., and work cooperatively...